Every Job Offer Is Negotiable; If You Want a Higher Salary, You Have to Fight for It

Staff Report

Friday, July 29th, 2022

The Salary Negotiator (TSN – www.thesalarynegotiator.com) recently highlighted the unprecedented growth in profits reported by U.S. companies, while also boasting a sustained 94% success rate at helping its own clients receive higher salaries during compensation negotiations. TSN is the country's leading salary negotiation service, routinely providing a wide range of educational and one-on-one coaching products to help people understand their compensation and increase the benefits employers offer during the job interview process.

"Salary negotiations are an expected and acceptable practice," said Brandon Bramley, Founder of TSN. "They're just part of getting a new job. Yet so many folks are daunted by the process or are completely unaware that they can fight for a better compensation package. Companies are not going to tell you that you should negotiate with them for more money after they have decided to hire you. You have one chance to do this and get it right – don't miss it."

The Salary Negotiator: Proven Steps to Increase Compensation

Market Research: Knowing what one is worth and what to ask for is key to a successful salary boost. TSN helps clients compare offers with what their qualifications should yield, what is reasonable based on the employment role, what other businesses are offering, and what is fair.
Hands-On Coaching: Removing the intimidation from the bargaining process by preparing clients ahead of time, TSN guides every step of the way, using actionable tips and techniques. Clients are fully prepared to persuasively ask for higher bonuses, better benefits, and a steeper salary.
Custom Drafts and Templates: Whether clients wish to be more hands-off during a negotiation, or fully in the driver's seat, TSN can draft a customized list of questions, phone scripts, email replies, and offer revisions to complement any negotiating strategy.
"We work with nearly every industry, though we specialize in roles in the tech industry – like software engineers, data scientists, and product managers," said Bramley. "And right now, businesses are booming everywhere. They've posted record profits over the last few years. So not only should you fight for fair compensation for your work, but those companies are also in a position to offer more. Most reputable employers are willing to pay higher wages than they originally posted – especially for experienced, talented employees. You just have to learn how to ask for it."

TSN offers free consultations to help clients get oriented and discuss specific needs, along with uniquely transparent, performance-based pricing. Increased compensation offers are guaranteed – or the coaching services are free.

Go online to read multiple five-star user-reviews on Google, Trustpilot, and Facebook – or check out the latest in coaching products, helpful articles, and interviewing advice.