Georgia Southern Awarded Two LEED Certifications With Assistance From Trident Sustainability Group
Press release from the issuing company
Wednesday, November 5th, 2014
Statesboro campus goes “green” by incorporating sustainable design strategies and systems into new dining facilities.
In order for Georgia Southern University to improve the sustainability and usability goals of their new Statesboro campus dining facilities, the architect for the project hired Trident Sustainability Group to develop and implement the sought sustainable requirements for LEED certification. With Trident Sustainability’s assistance, the new Lakeside and Landrum Dining Halls were able to successfully achieve LEED NC certifications (Silver and Certified respectively) for the two institutional infill and redevelopment sites. They are a prime example of how to properly manage two simultaneous LEED projects for a single client at the same location; one being a rehabilitation and addition to a previously existing dining facility and the second being a new construction project to improve on the expanding campus.
Reducing ongoing utility costs while providing a healthy environment for GSU students and visitors were of high importance to the success of this dual-project. Inside the buildings, water use was decreased by over 45% through the use of ultra low-flow plumbing fixtures. Lavatories, urinals, and water closets were specified to maximize efficiencies, and work together to help reduce sewage and water waste output to local treatment facilities. To achieve an energy savings over 20% throughout the new buildings, a high-efficiency chiller was incorporated into the HVAC design along with the use of T5 and compact fluorescent lighting. This lighting strategy allows the interior spaces to maintain the high-quality lighting environment required within the dining and food preparation areas without excessive demand on the local electricity grid.
Addressing the indoor environmental quality of the building related to off-gassing and emissions from traditional building products is a highly important and often overlooked portion of building design. To promote increased levels of healthy indoor air, products and finishes containing no or low emitting VOCs were used throughout the building. Any VOC emissions that were built up inside during the construction process were properly flushed out prior to occupancy to ensure no pollutants remained inside. Products containing no added urea-formaldehyde resins were also utilized to help compliment and promote the healthy food options offered by the improved kitchen facilities.
The new Lakeside and Landrum Dining Halls represent a new standard in academic dining by incorporating sustainable practices into the building design and by providing the healthy, high-performance environment necessary to promote positivity within the building occupants.
“Promoting a healthier lifestyle is very important for growing young professionals,” says principal of Trident Sustainability Group, Tommy Linstroth. “The new dining facilities at Georgia Southern reflect this by creating and fostering a positive environment through their new dining options and within the sustainable practices incorporated into the building itself.”