TLC Seeks Nominations for Tourism Awards

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, November 30th, 2015

There are many people who work in the tourism industry that go above and beyond in their jobs. In this season of giving thanks, consider recognizing your favorite employee for their dedication by nominating him or her for a Tourism Award. The Tourism Leadership Council welcomes all nominations for outstanding service in Savannah’s hospitality community. Your nominee may be chosen for one of the elite awards given early next year at the 18th Annual Tourism Awards & Scholarship Dinner.
“The TLC strives to acknowledge those who go the extra mile every day to provide guests with amazing, one-of-a-kind experiences,” said Michael Owens, President/CEO of the TLC. “We are thankful for their contributions that make Savannah a world-class destination.”
The 2016 Awards open for nominations are:

-Service Star Award is for someone who works with the guests directly on the frontlines of tourism, like a front desk agent, server, doorman or concierge.

-Service Leader Award is presented to a managerial level em­ployee who exhibits phenomenal service not only to guests but also to his/her colleagues through their exemplary leadership.

-“I AM TOURISM” Award is one of the highest honors given to someone who embodies the spirit of tourism and promotes the “Hostess City of the South” mantra.