One Love Animal Rescue to Accept Applications for 2018 Board

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

ONE LOVE ANIMAL RESCUE, a premier [501c3], volunteer only operated animal rescue program in the Greater Savannah area is seeking members for its Board of Directors.

The ideal persons should have a passion for the mission of saving and serving animals and their rescue, and be able to commit at least 5-8 hours per month.  OLAR would like to invite applicants with one or more of the following skills to contact the organization for further information and talks: Accountant, attorney, veterinarian, social media expert, fundraising experience, persons with local business contacts and public relations experience.

Over the past 24 months OLAR has grown and added constantly new volunteers and rescue programs, such as the “FREEDOM RIDES” transports for animals from the Low Country area to rescue organizations and new homes up north. These programs and an all- volunteer based organization ensures more animals can be placed in loving homes via foster, adoption and transports, so that each and every donation can be used to support the animals and the programs directly at 100%.

For more information or to become a part of OLAR, please contact Karrie Bulski at: