The Fourth Quarter Club Boosts the Van Project for Howard Jarrott

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

Howard Jarrott, a quadriplegic with limited use of his hands, needs a dependable van to help transport him for proper care. The Fourth Quarter Club was founded by a group of Jarrott’s friends to advocate and fund raise for Jarrott’s proper care. The club has found a dependable van that would be perfect for Jarrott and they are currently fundraising for this expense.  
Jarrott and his friends were in high school at Jenkins High School in 1966 when Howard was jumping on the trampoline in the gym. In true Jarrott fashion, he was trying a difficult maneuver, but missed, breaking his neck. Jarrott was rendered quadriplegic with limited use of his hands. He requires constant care including all his basic human functions and needs. He has remained positive through the years with constant support from friends contributing in various ways to help him thrive.
Jarrott currently owns a 1992 van for transportation, but due to the van’s age and various problems, is not very dependable anymore. The Fourth Quarter Club, named fondly by Jarrott, is hoping to raise $30,000 to purchase the van. The club has raised $16,310 to date and are appreciative for all donations. The club meets monthly to show support to Jarrott and routinely take donations for van repairs and other needs Jarrott may have.