Cyber Risk - Hack Yourself First!

Staff Report

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

A G Roth Insurance, a boutique insurance broker in Savannah, has partnered with computer Hackers (ethical ones) and Insurance Geeks (smart ones) to provide one of the most comprehensive computer security consulting and insurance solutions to shore up business computer networks. The first step is to assess a client/prospects computer network in cyberspace and the Dark Web. Prospective clients are often shocked at the vulnerabilities that the hackers uncover. Usernames/passwords and other personal identifying info (PII or ePII) are typically uncovered. The hackers then conduct port scans of the operating system and applications. After testing, an actionable report is generated to address the issues found. In addition, an insurance proposal is offered that is tailored to the businesses specific needs.  The report is provided at no cost, but an NDA is required.

Andy Gastley, with A G Roth, reports that they recently conducted a study of a hospital in our coastal region and found numerous issues which was surprising because of the HIPAA requirements on medical facilities. The 26 page report scored the hospital a 31 (yes that is a failing grade) out of 100. One of the C-Suite officers even used their username/password on a dating website which had been corrupted and exposed on the Dark Web.  Measures were outlined to prevent hacking and corruption events,  but this clients failing grade prevented them from receiving an insurance quote for 60 days because of the need to shore up their network. Most clients aren’t in critical condition, but the reports are usually 20-30 pages of actionable items. “We rank the issues from most critical, those that need to be addressed immediately, down to those items to address over a few months.” Said Gastley.  “The process is simple – a one page application is utilized to get started.” For more info, please see