Tharros Place Receives Donation from Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation
Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
Tharros Place, a nonprofit providing residential services for girls ages 12 to 17 who are survivors of human trafficking, recently received $1,500 from the Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation. The Feeding the Hungry grant supports Tharros Place’s efforts to serve youth living at the facility three healthy meals a day while also providing nutrition education to eliminate health risks for those experiencing food insecurity.
“We are so grateful to the Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation for this grant,” said Julie Wade, Executive Director of Tharros Place. “Our ultimate goal is to transform those girls from victims to young women brimming with confidence, self-respect, and courage, and part of that will include learning how to make healthy, nutritious choices.”
The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation is committed to supporting families facing food insecurity across its 10-state footprint. Established in 2001, the foundation provides financial support for programs and organizations dedicated to feeding local neighbors in the communities it serves. Since its inception, the foundation has awarded more than $18.1 million in grants.