Historic Savannah Foundation Opens Nominations for 2023 Preservation Awards
Tuesday, January 10th, 2023
Nominations are now being accepted for Historic Savannah Foundation’s 2023 Preservation Awards. Each May, HSF celebrates the area’s best preservation projects with a program that recognizes individuals, organizations, and companies who embody and practice excellence in preservation in Savannah and Chatham County.
Historic Savannah Foundation members who have completed a restoration project within the past three years, or who know of a restoration project that may be award-worthy are encouraged to submit a nomination.
Projects must have been completed within the past three years, and entrants must have the consent of the property owner for a nomination. Self-nominations will be accepted. Nominations that were previously submitted but were not selected to receive an award may be revised, expanded, and resubmitted. To be eligible for an award, nominated projects must have adhered to the applicable Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. For more information on these standards, visit www.nps.gov/tps/standards.htm.
The general evaluation criteria include:
1. Quality and degree of difficulty of the nominee’s project or effort.
2. Degree to which the nominee’s project or effort is unusual or pioneering or serves as an example that influences good preservation practices.
3. Demonstrable or measurable impact of nominee’s project on the community.
A jury of local professionals with representation from the fields of architecture, preservation, academia and planning is invited to review nominations for HSF’s Preservation Awards.
Nominations should fall under at least one of the following categories: restoration, rehabilitation, new construction, stewardship, craftsmanship or archaeology.
The deadline for all award nominations is 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Mailed entries must be postmarked or dropped off at HSF by this date. The application cost is $50 for HSF members. Non-members are asked to join HSF by visiting http://www.myhsf.org/giving/general-membership/ prior to submitting the application. Preservation Award recipients will be notified by the end of March. The nominator or primary contact will be notified for those not selected. Award announcements and presentation will be made at HSF’s Preservation Awards Ceremony in May.
Mail entries to:
Attn: Preservation Awards Attn: Preservation Awards
P.O. Box 1733 321 East York Street
Savannah, GA 31402
Hand-deliver entries to:
321 East York Street
Savannah, GA 31401
Historic Savannah Foundation, a leading nonprofit preservation and cultural institution, saves buildings, places, and stories that define Savannah’s past, present, and future. Following its formation in 1955, the organization started a Revolving Fund to save endangered historic properties, now totaling nearly 412 buildings throughout several of Savannah’s historic districts. HSF continues to build capacity within its operations, secure new financial resources, improve its image and visibility, and increase public policy efforts to protect Savannah’s historic districts. For more information about the work of the Historic Savannah Foundation, visit www.myhsf.org.
For more information about the awards or Historic Savannah Foundation, please visit www.myHSF.org or contact Kimberly Newbold, Education & Research Associate, at 912-483-7294 or [email protected]. For sponsorship information, please contact Colleen Reynolds, Events & Development Associate, at 912-483-7190 or [email protected].