How to Best Prioritize Limited Funds for Impactful Community Investments


Thursday, July 18th, 2024

While Georgia’s businesses have long been the backbone of strong communities, a new report by goBeyondProfit and Georgia CEO reveals meaningful shifts in community care and offers executives insight on how best to invest limited funds. 

Most executives (75%) remain committed to financial contributions to the community, citing improved employee satisfaction and financial benefits as a reason to increase investments.

However, companies’ demonstrations of generosity to the community fell, on average, 10 percentage points behind demonstrations of generosity to employees and in business operations.

For the full report click here. 

So, with limited funds, where should executives prioritize their investments to maximize employee satisfaction? 

Paid Time Off for Volunteering: When asked to select the single most important element, 26% of employees chose PTO for volunteering at the charity of their choice.

Less than half (48%) of executives say they currently offer PTO to employees to volunteer. This continues to be a missed opportunity given the high level of interest from employees. 

Matching Gifts: Programs that match employee gifts or donations are another area of missed opportunity for employers, as 45% of employees think this is a very important demonstration of generosity, yet only 25% of executives currently offer matching gifts programs. 

In the full report we explore where there is additional alignment between employees and employers and identify the greatest disconnects.