City Leaders to Break Ground on New Hampstead Public Safety Facility

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

City of Savannah officials and staff will gather on Friday, Feb. 7 to break ground on a new public safety facility expanding police and fire services to the growing New Hampstead area.

The New Hampstead West Modular Public Safety Facility will provide a fire station and police substation on a presently undeveloped City-owned property along Highgate Blvd. The new facilities will allow Savannah Fire and Savannah Police to provide adequate service delivery to the area while awaiting future permanent public safety facilities.

The new complex will include modular buildings that can be relocated and used elsewhere once a permanent facility is built. The site will also include a permanent metal building, stand-by generator, driveways, a parking lot, stormwater pond and other permanent components that can be utilized in the future.

City Council approved the new construction contract in the Nov. 26, 2024 regular meeting. Johnson-Laux Construction LLC was awarded the project at a cost of $3,591.375. Permanent installations and components that are reusable account for approximately $2,300,000 of the total contract amount.

What: New Hampstead Public Safety Facility

When: Friday, Feb. 7, 2 p.m.

Where: 3002 Highgate Blvd., Savannah, Ga.