Municipal Archives Announces SCMP Residency Team

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Monday, February 26th, 2024

The City of Savannah’s Municipal Archives department has selected a resident team for the Savannah Community Memory Project (SCMP) 2024 Residency.

The Faith in Action resident team, Eric Darling, Mickey Youmans and Tom Kohler, will focus their project on inter-faith action across the city. The team’s main collection method is oral history interviews. 

The Faith in Action team was selected through a competitive process that started in 2023. Their project will be completed in Dec. 2024. The team started conducting interviews in Feb. 2024 and will continue to meet with a variety of community leaders to collect the stories and history of Savannah’s inter-faith community.

They will also produce an educational website for youth, a teacher curriculum training event, a public discussion, and an archival collection that will be preserved in the Municipal Archives and available to the public for research use.

Savannah residents are encouraged to participate in this project through the online Faith in Action submission portal. The portal allows residents to engage in Q&A style submissions and share perspectives on the local inter-faith communities in their own words. The submissions will be accepted through Aug. 2024.

For more details on the project, team members, and to access the submission portal, visit