Georgia Board of Regents Honors Savannah State University Student
Thursday, April 18th, 2024
Savannah State University Biology Major Jiwon Choi, center, recently was honored at the University System of Georgia Academic Recognition Day. SSU Interim President Cynthia Alexander, left, and SSU Associate Professor of Biology Dr. Takiyuri Nitta, right, attended to show their support
Choi is a junior, who in addition to his biology major is minoring in applied mathematics. A native of Seoul, South Korea, he attended Jenkins High School and in fall 2021 enrolled at SSU, where he has been active in biomedical and applied mathematics research.
“We are proud of all of our students, but Jiwon Choi stands out because of his extensive work in research on top of the obligations of school and volunteering in the community,” said SSU Interim President Cynthia Alexander. “Jiwon is a credit to the university and we’re expecting big things in his future.”
Savannah, GA – The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) recently honored Savannah State University Biology Major Jiwon Choi at the annual USG Academic Recognition Day.
USG annually honors students from each of the system’s 26 public colleges and universities. Each student best represents the system’s highest scholastic ideals, as selected by their individual institutions. These students have a high GPA, strive for excellence and have the ability to share knowledge in various areas of expertise.
Choi has worked in multiple research projects, including an NSF-Targeted Infusion Project: Developing a Minor in Applied Mathematics; an NSF-HBCU-UP iApply Program; and an NSF Research Catalyst Grant, among others. He has showcased his research work at various conferences, including the 6th annual Math Research Day at SSU, the 102nd Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America at Conway, S.C,; the 16th annual Troy Math Fest Undergraduate Mathematics Conference at Troy, Ala.; the 2023 Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference; and the 2024 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM at Washington, D.C. Choi also volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire. Upon graduation, he plans to pursue an M.D.-Ph.D. degree.