Jenkins High Achieves Georgia Nutrition and Food Science Industry Certification

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Jenkins High CTAE instructor Kaney Ballance and her students have achieved the Georgia Nutrition and Food Science  Industry Certification for Jenkins High School’s Family and Consumer Science Program.  Schools with an existing Nutrition and Food Science program that has been in existence for three consecutive years can pursue Nutrition and Food Science Industry Certification.

In order to achieve this certification, all teachers are required to pass a content knowledge test. The high school program will be evaluated using standards set by the Georgia Nutrition and Food Science Foundation, Inc.  The school must complete a self-assessment in relation to the standards and then pass a site review by an NFS team.  The NFS Review Team will review the high school/program documentation, observe and visit the facilities, and interview the teacher, high school students and advisory committee members.

The Industry Certification Instructional Program must include at least 180 hours of classroom and/or laboratory instruction per the state recommended curriculum guide.  All Nutrition & Food Science Standards I-IX must be met. GaDOE requires a recertification every 5 years for all certified programs and requires the same Site Visit procedures as the initial certification for review of the high school program by the Nutrition & Food Science Review Team.

Congratulations to the students and staff of Jenkins High School!