SCCPSS Nurses Train Summer School Coordinators
Wednesday, May 8th, 2024
On Friday, May 3rd, 2024, our SCCPSS Nursing team held a training for summer school coordinators.
During the training session, led by the SCCPSSS Nursing team, participants explored various crucial topics. One highlight was the thorough review of the Utilization and Application of Practice (UAP) PowerPoint, providing essential insights into best practices and protocols. In addition, the training offered hands-on opportunities for coordinators to familiarize themselves with various life-saving tools and techniques.
Participants engaged in practical demonstrations involving essential emergency equipment such as epi-pens, inhalers, Valtoco, Narcan, stop-the-bleed kits, and life-vac usage. Through these interactive sessions, coordinators gained confidence in handling these tools effectively, ensuring swift and appropriate responses in the event of a crisis. In addition, an emphasis was placed on mastering techniques such as hands-on compressions and the operation of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), vital skills in scenarios requiring immediate intervention.
The training session wasn't merely about mastering procedures; it also focused on cultivating a proactive mindset toward emergency preparedness. Discussions centered around developing action plans tailored to specific school environments, addressing allergy concerns effectively, and strategizing on how to respond quickly and efficiently to various emergencies. By fostering a proactive approach, participants were equipped with the knowledge and strategies needed to mitigate risks and minimize harm.
SCCPSS boasts a fully-staffed nursing team comprised of 68 nurses and 2 clinical assistants. The Nursing Team has been recognized on a local, state, and national level for their commitment to cardiac awareness and education. They have also been recognized for their dedication and commitment to safety during the worldwide pandemic. The SCCPSS Nursing Team is committed to the delivery of competent, compassionate, and efficient care.