City Invites Residents to Participate in Budget Prioritization Survey

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

As the City of Savannah’s annual budget review process gets underway, staff invite residents to include their voices in the process through a prioritization survey.

The City’s budget plays a crucial role in shaping the quality of life for everyone in Savannah. Input in the budget process is essential to ensure City funding reflects what matters most to residents.

In the survey, participants are asked to rank which of eight service areas should receive focus in the budget process. Through this simple ranking survey, participants can provide vital information to City staff as they shape the budget.  

Results from the survey will be compiled and presented to City leadership to inform budget decisions and will be made available to the public in September. 

Residents and stakeholders are asked to give priority ranking to: Human Services, Stormwater, Cultural Arts, Planning & Development, Housing, Recreation, Fire, and Police services. Descriptions of each service area can be found on the survey. 

The survey is currently open and will close at the end of August.