SJ/C President & CEO Paul P. Hinchey receives Stakeholder Appreciation Award from Curtis V. Cooper

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Monday, August 26th, 2024

SJ/C President & CEO Paul P. Hinchey accepted a Stakeholder Appreciation award from the Board of Directors of Curtis V. Cooper Primary Health Care last week. The award reflects St. Joseph’s/Candler’s commitment to helping people of all socio-economic backgrounds have access to advanced, high-quality care. The mission of Curtis V. Cooper is to improve the health of people in high-risk populations or with limited financial resources.

Mr. Hinchey was among a select group of recipients that included community leaders and public servants.  Albert Grandy, Jr., CEO of Curtis V. Cooper, presented the award to Mr. Hinchey during a special luncheon. The award’s engraving stated that Mr. Hinchey works “tirelessly to improve healthcare for citizens by embracing state-of-the-art technology, engaging in partnerships and collaboratives to remove barriers to care as well as genuine concern for his fellow man.”