Full Circle Grief & Loss Center Presents Video on Suicide Prevention Awareness

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and Hospice Savannah’s Full Circle Grief and Loss Center feels it is important to bring attention to this difficult and often taboo topic. Please take a moment to view the video linked here, produced to help provide information, and reduce the stigma surrounding suicide.

Full Circle Grief and Loss Center provides a team of qualified and experienced bereavement staff to address the emotional and psychological consequences of loss. Individuals may receive grief support on a one-on-one basis by appointment, in small group settings, or in a support group.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call, or text 988. Full Circle bereavement counselors are available to provide individual or group support, virtually or in-person. Visit www.hospicesavannah.org/fullcircleor call (912) 303-9442 for more information on grief support.