Fourteen SCCPSS Schools Recognized as Literacy Leaders by the Georgia Department of Education

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Monday, November 4th, 2024

Knowing the fundamental importance of literacy and the impact of students’ ability to read on their entire educational career, the Georgia Department of Education is recognizing schools with exceptional achievement or growth in reading as Literacy Leaders. Fourteen SCCPSS schools achieved recognition this year ranging across all grade bands.

Schools were recognized for achievement or growth in the percentage of students reading at or above grade level. The criteria for the Literacy Leader awards recognize the crucial importance of grade-level reading in third and sixth grades and require higher growth from schools with lower achievement levels. Awards were given at the elementary and middle-school levels, and at the high-school level based on the American Literature EOC, which is the state test for ELA in high school.

A total of 324 schools across the state met the qualifications to be recognized as Literacy Leaders. State School Superintendent Richard Woods said, “These schools are moving the needle on literacy in our state – and, as a result, changing the lives of the students they serve. The ability to read opens the doors to lifelong learning – that’s why we remain laser-focused on literacy at the Georgia Department of Education and as a state. I am honored to recognize these schools, educators, students, families, and communities for their outstanding work.”

“Georgia educators are embracing the science of reading and structured literacy,” GaDOE Director of Literacy Amy Denty said.“The Literacy Leaders recognition honors the dedication, commitment, and hard work of our students, teachers, and leaders. Together, we can ensure all children in Georgia learn to read well. I’m excited to see how our schools continue to grow and excel in the literacy arena.” 

The following list of recognized SCCPSS schools also details the areas of achievement: 

Butler Elementary School - 3rd Grade Gateway Growth

Coastal Middle School - 6th Grade Gateway Growth, 7th & 8th Grade Growth

Charles Ellis Montessori - 3rd Grade Gateway Growth, 5th & 7th Grade Growth

Garrison School for the Arts - 5th Grade Growth, 6th Grade Gateway Growth

7th & 8th Grade Achievement

Hodge Elementary School - 3rd Grade Gateway Growth, 5th Grade Growth

Islands High School - HS Growth

Isle of Hope K8 School - 5th & 7th Grade Growth; 6th Grade Gateway Growth

Marshpoint Elementary School - 3rd Grade Gateway Growth, 4th & 5th Grade Growth

New Hampstead K-8 School - 4th, 7th, 8th Grade Growth, 6th Grade Gateway Growth

Pooler Elementary School - 3rd Grade Gateway Growth

Pulaski Elementary School - 3rd Grade Gateway Growth, 5th Grade Growth

Savannah Arts Academy - HS Achievement

Savannah Classical Academy - 3rd Grade Gateway Growth, 4th Grade Growth,

7th Grade Achievement

Savannah Early College High School - HS Growth 

Literacy Leader qualifications use the Georgia Milestones Reading Status indicator, which is based on the Lexile score associated with students’ performance on a subset of questions on the ELA assessment. Criteria for the recognitions are as follows:

Gateway Achievement – 3rd & 6th Grade and High School

Schools earned this award when the percentage of third-grade, sixth-grade, or high school students reading at or above grade level was 90-percent or higher, based on the 2023-24 Georgia Milestone assessments. 

Gateway Growth – 3rd & 6th Grade and High School

Schools earned this award when the percentage of 3rd grade, 6th grade, or high school students reading at or above grade level increased according to the tiered growth criteria below:

  • Schools with fewer than 50% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level in 2023-24 needed a 15-point or higher increase compared to the 2022-23 Georgia Milestones assessment.

  • Schools with at least 50 but less than 70% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level in 2023-24 needed a 10-point or higher increase,

  • Schools with at least 70, but fewer than 90% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level in 2023-24 needed a 5-point or higher increase.

  • Schools with at least 90 but less than 98% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level in 2023-24 needed a 3-point or higher increase.

Additional Awards for Achievement (Other Grade Levels)

Schools which qualified for a Gateway Growth or Gateway Achievement Award in 3rd or 6th grade where the percentage of 4th, 5th, 7th, or 8th grade students reading at or above grade level was also 90-percent or higher, based on the 2023-24 Georgia Milestones Assessments. Schools are only eligible for these additional awards if they first qualified for a Gateway Growth or Gateway Achievement Award.

Additional Awards for Growth (Other Grade Levels)

Schools which qualified for a Gateway Growth or Achievement award in 3rd or 6th grade where the percentage of 4th, 5th, 7th, or 8th grade students reading at or above grade level increased according to the tiered growth criteria below:

  • Schools with fewer than 50% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level in 2023-24 needed a 15-point or higher increase compared to the 2022-23 Georgia Milestones Assessment.

  • Schools with at least 50, but less than 70% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level in 2023-24 needed a 10-point or higher increase.

  • Schools with at least 70, but less than 90% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level in 2023-24 needed a 5-point or higher increase.

  • Schools with at least 90, but less than 98% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level in 2023-24 needed a 3-point or high increase.

Students are only eligible for these additional awards if they first qualified for a Gateway Growth or Gateway Achievement Award.