Georgia Hospitals Advocate for Healthcare Liability Reform
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
Georgia hospitals provide high-quality care and are essential to a thriving economy and a healthy community. During the 2025 legislative session and following today’s State of the State Address by Gov. Brian P. Kemp, the Georgia Hospital Association encourages lawmakers to pass healthcare liability reform measures, also known as tort reform, to enhance access to quality care for patients. “The Georgia Hospital Association applauds Governor Kemp’s commitment to signing into law meaningful tort reforms, including healthcare liability reform, this year,” said GHA President and CEO Caylee Noggle. “Georgians deserve access to safe, affordable care in our hospitals around the state. We are thankful for the leadership provided by Governor Kemp, Lt. Gov. Burt Jones, and Speaker Jon Burns, and we appreciate the ongoing collaboration with policymakers as we work to advocate on behalf of more than 150 Georgia hospitals.”
GHA supports efforts to modernize Georgia’s healthcare liability laws to promote a fair process for both patients and providers. Currently, the legal environment in Georgia allows for extremely high and outsized jury awards and settlements, which lead to higher insurance premiums, shrink the insurance market and availability of coverage, and require hospitals and physicians to practice under greater risk. As a result, patient access to care, Georgia’s healthcare workforce, and quality of care are all negatively impacted.
GHA supports reforms that will provide an objective standard for non-economic damages and promote transparency in damages when awarded, while maintaining the right for every Georgian to access the court system to seek a remedy when necessary and appropriate. Reforms, such as eliminating “anchoring” and requiring “truth in damages,” will help ensure that hospitals and healthcare providers in every zip code around our state can continue to provide the vital healthcare services that their communities need.
GHA is honored to represent hospitals in Georgia and to partner with state leaders and lawmakers on their behalf as we encourage enhanced patient safety, healthcare access, and a thriving workforce across the state.