SCCPSS CTAE Students Achieve 97.6% Graduation Rate for 2024

Sheila Blanco

Friday, March 21st, 2025


The graduation rate for Georgia students involved in Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) has risen to 98.24% for the 2024 SY, a new record for the state.  SCCPSS CTAE students had a slight dip from 98.3% in 2023 to 97.6% in 2024 but exceeded the state reading rate of 71.77% with an average of 73.4%. That is an important score for Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools where literacy has become a priority focus in preparing our students for successful futures.

These numbers emphasize the effectiveness of career education programs. The state CTAE graduation rate – which applies to students who complete a Career Pathway – exceeds the overall state graduation rate by 12.84 percentage points, underscoring the relevance and effectiveness of CTAE opportunities.  

“Communities all across Georgia are continuing to see record-breaking job growth, and preparing Georgians to seize those opportunities is critical to our continued success,” Governor Brian Kemp said. “These numbers underscore the importance of our work to streamline the state’s high-demand career pipeline and let Georgia’s students know there is an option for a successful career available to them right here in the Peach State.”

CTAE in Georgia delivers a high-school experience that prepares students for their lives after high school. Students can learn skills for real-world careers in 145 Career Pathways within 17 Georgia Career Clusters – from construction to information technology – while earning recognized industry credentials and participating in work-based learning and apprenticeship opportunities. Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools offer pathways within all 17 Georgia Career Clusters, with 57 different high school pathways and 8 different middle school/K-8 pathways.  SCCPSS currently has 6,382 high school students and 4,791 middle school students enrolled in one or more CTAE Pathways.

“Georgia’s all-time high CTAE graduation rate is a testament to the hard work of our students, educators, and industry partners,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. "Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education equips students with real-world skills and prepares them for lifelong success. We will continue investing in these opportunities to ensure every graduate is ready for their next step—whether that’s college, career, or the military."

Career Pathways are for all students, no matter which path they plan to take. Pathway completers are prepared to pursue higher education, enter the military, accept an apprenticeship opportunity or immediately begin their career.

"Georgia’s CTAE programs provide students with real-world skills and hands-on experiences that prepare them for success in college, careers, and life," State CTAE Director Dr. Barbara Wall said. "Our commitment to high-quality career pathways has contributed to Georgia’s strong graduation rate, proving that when students are engaged in meaningful, relevant learning, they thrive. The CTAE graduation rate is an indicator both of students’ future workplace success, and of the future economic health of our state..