July 2019 Video
Chris Carter of Colony Bank, Being a Community Bank
July 31, 2019
Chris Carter, Market President with Colony Bank, discusses their status as a community bank and the advantages that brings them.
Wesley Olliff of Colony Bank on Their Presence in Savannah
July 31, 2019
Wesley Olliff, Commercial Lead with Colony Bank, discusses the bank and their branches and resources offered to customers in the Savannah Region.
Michael Kistler of Development Associates, Inc., How Savannah Has Changed
July 30, 2019
Michael Kistler, President and Founder of Development Associates, Inc., discusses the various ways Savannah has changed for the better during his years there.
Senator David Perdue on Hurricane Disaster Relief
July 30, 2019
Georgia Senator David Perdue discusses the success of bringing hurricane relief to the state and what the next steps are in rebounding from the storm.
Dan Pavlin of Bernard Williams & Co., Social Engineering
July 29, 2019
Dan Pavlin, VP of Commercial Lines at Bernard Williams & Co., discusses a new cyber threat all of our readers need to be aware of: social engineering.
Susan McLendon of Meadows Regional, The Steps to Improve Healthcare in the Region
July 29, 2019
Susan McLendon, Rural Community Nurse Specialist with Meadows Regional, discusses their Population Health Program and how it is trying to improve healthcare in the region.
Geoff Repella of Byrd Cookie Company, Their Culture
July 26, 2019
Geoff Repella, President of Byrd Cookie Company, discusses their culture and it's dedication to family.
Jennifer Abshire of Abshire PR, Their Partnership with One Sumter
July 25, 2019
Jennifer Abshire, Founder and CEO of Abshire PR, discusses their excitement over their partnership with One Sumter and the goal of this partnership.
GaMEP's Mike Stonecipher on Georgia's Automotive Industry
July 25, 2019
Automotive Industry Project Manager at GaMEP Mike Stonecipher discusses the important role Georgia plays as part of the Southeast's Automotive Corridor.
Tonya Reed of Henry Plumbing Company on Investing into the Next Generation
July 24, 2019
Tonya Reed Co-Owner of Henry Plumbing Company, discusses the importance of investing in the future of the younger generation and its impact on your local community.
Allen Amason of Georgia Southern on the Parker Gift to the School
July 24, 2019
Allen Amason, Dean of the Parker College of Business of Georgia Southern, talks about the benefits of the degrees they offer and why they think they are worth it when it comes to four year degrees.
Christopher Jordan of Hunter Maclean Attorneys, His Area of Expertise
July 24, 2019
Christopher Jordan, Partner at Hunter Maclean Attorneys, discusses the work he does and what his cases mostly consist of: real estate disputes.
ABAC President Dr. David Bridges on The Center for Rural Prosperity
July 24, 2019
Dr. David Bridges, President of ABAC, discusses the Center for Rural Prosperity's role in helping strengthen Georgia's rural communities.
Kevin Smith Project Manager Thomas & Hutton, Technical Data
July 23, 2019
Kevin Smith, Project Manager at Thomas & Hutton, talks about how they as engineers use technical data from the scientist to improve their own designs.
Chuck Perry of EMC Engineering, Challenges of Recruiting Talent
July 23, 2019
Chuck Perry, President of EMC Engineering, discusses the difficulty he has experienced finding good talent and how they are overcoming the problem.
Abby Turano of the Georgia Department of Economic Development on The Consular Core in Georgia
July 23, 2019
Abby Turano, Deputy Commissioner for International Relations with the Georgia Department of Economic Development, discusses the consular core and what their purpose is.
Meg Haston of Savannah Country Day School, Teaching Students to Adapt
July 22, 2019
Meg Haston, Director of Counseling at Savannah Country Day School, discusses the work they do to make sure their students are adaptable and ready for whatever the world throws at them.
Dr. Doug Patten on the Medical College of Georgia
July 22, 2019
Dr. Doug Patten, Associate Dean of the Medical College of Georgia's Southwest Regional Campus, discusses the College and it's success throughout the state in being Georgia's health partner.
Friday Funday: Jason Chambless of Thomas and Hutton, Enjoying Family Times
July 19, 2019
Jason Chambless, Principal and Project Manager with Thomas and Hutton, discusses how much he loves spending time with his family when he gets some free time.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp on Healthcare Reform
July 18, 2019
Governor of the State of Georgia Brian Kemp discusses recent developments in healthcare reform.
Bo Bowen Talks about the First Annual Savannah Film Alliance Honors Gala
July 17, 2019
The first Savannah Film Alliance Honors Gala will recognize those that have made a difference in the region as it relates to entertainment. Bo discusses ways companies and organizations can get involved and support this important event.
Columbus City Manager Isaiah Hugley, Working with the GMA
July 17, 2019
Isaiah Hugley, City Manager of Columbus, discusses the great relationship the city has with the Georgia Municipal Association and some of the benefits of that relationship.
Laura Lane McKinnon of EmployAbility, Their Community Employment Support Services Program
July 16, 2019
Laura Lane McKinnon, Director for Organizational Advancement at EmployAbility, discusses their community employment support services programs that help integrate adults with developmental disabilities into the workforce.
Debbie Finney on How Small Businesses Can work with the SBDC
July 16, 2019
Debbie Finney, Area Director for the UGA SBDC, talks to us about what exactly a small business is and how the SBDC's across the state can help those small businesses.
Allen Moore on Research at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
July 16, 2019
UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Dean for Research Allen Moore talks about the importance of agricultural and environmental research, and the impact of their research on Georgia.