Ten Local Leaders Don Pink Wigs to Raise Funds to Fight Breast Cancer

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Residents of Savannah will soon see ten of its local community leaders donning bright pink wigs throughout the city, all in an effort to raise awareness and funds for Susan G. Komen Coastal Georgia.

The BigWig Campaign is being launched with a goal of raising a minimum of $10,000 to fund local breast cancer patient services and education programs. The campaign will run from Sept. 15 through Oct. 31.

Ten local leaders, dubbed “BigWigs” by the local Komen Affiliate, will lead the six-week campaign. Each BigWig has committed to serve as a breast cancer advocate throughout the campaign duration – all while each trying to raise funds to save lives locally and advance global research initiatives.

“Seventy-five percent of the funds raised from this campaign will fund local breast health programs, including free screenings and diagnostics,” said Sarah Denmark, President of Komen Coastal Georgia. “The remaining twenty-five percent will fund cutting-edge research.”

BigWigs Include:

  • Erica Backus, Director of Public Relations, Visit Savannah

  • Lee Beckman, Manager of Governmental Affairs, Georgia Ports Authority

  • Jamie Ertle, Meteorologist, WTOC

  • Bonnie Gaster, Berkshire Hathaway Home Series

  • Ruel Joyner, Owner, 24E

  • Roberto Leoci, Owner, Leoci’s Trattoria

  • MarRonde Lumpkin-Lotson, International Affairs & Governmental Relations, City of Savannah

  • Alfred McGuire, Principal, Woodville-Thompkins High School

  • Sarah Westberry, Bank Officer, Wells Fargo

  • Harold Yellin, Attorney, Hunter MacLean

“While the campaign was not designed to be competitive, the BigWigs have started a friendly competition,” said Jeffrey Lasky, Campaign Co-Chair.  “As you can see from the photos, these BigWigs are on a mission”, added Co-Chair, Dr. Paula DeNitto.