Fonu2 Acquires Moon River 1,560 Acre Property in Effingham County

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

Fonu2, Inc. announced today it has acquired the One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Acre (1,560) lease located in Effingham County, Georgia from Moon River Studios, Inc.. The purchase price was ten million dollars and ten million shares of Fonu2. Terms of the purchase agreement require that the Fonu2 shares be registered and distributed to all Moon River shareholders as of record date February 10, 2015. In addition to the lease, the Fonu2 has acquired certain intellectual property and trademarks associated with the project.

The property has an independently appraised value in excess of $22,000,000. Included under terms of the original lease, Memorandum of Understanding and supplemental agreement (i) the Company is responsible for an agreed amount of job creation and capital investment in the property, (ii) all property taxes for the property have been waived for the term of the lease, (iii) the property may be purchased at any time with no prepayment penalties, (iv) at the end of the lease, the property may be purchased for $100. Fonu2 has assumed the $10,000,000 note secured by the property. The note has an interest rate of zero percent with a 20 year term.

Roger Miguel, Chief Executive Officer of Fonu2, stated, "This is a major event for Fonu2 and its shareholders. The Moon River film studio has the potential to be a major game changer for the motion picture industry. Georgia is number one in growth for the movie industry, with a major shortage of available sound stages due to the massive demand in the state. This is clearly one of the largest studio projects in the country. We will be focused specifically on the execution of the construction of the stages and the support facilities."

Jake Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer of Moon River added, "Since June of 2014, we have been on a quest to maximize value for Moon River shareholders, as well as to honor our commitment to the Effingham County Industrial Authority and all of our neighbors in Effingham County. Through the sale of the lease, we believe these objectives will be achieved, as the Moon River shareholders realize value through their Fonu2 shares, and the goals outlined in the construction development plan are realized."