TAG Seeks 2015 STEM Education Award Nominees from Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, May 7th, 2015

The Technology Association of Georgia and the TAG Education Collaborative are excited to announce the 4th Annual STEM Education Awards, an event that will once again recognize and honor schools, programs and organizations for their outstanding effort and achievement in supporting and promoting STEM Education in Georgia.

Nominations are due by 4:00PM June 5, 2015.

Individuals, schools, companies, and organizations are invited to nominate themselves or others by completing the online survey found at http://www.tagonline.org/events/stem-education-awards/.

Nomination categories include:

  • Elementary School- This category recognizes innovative STEM curriculum and programs in Elementary Schools that promote STEM Education in the classroom and expand STEM skills while helping to point students towards productive technology related careers.
  • Middle School- This category recognizes innovative STEM curriculum and programs in Middle Schools that promote STEM Education in the classroom and expand STEM skills while helping to point students towards productive technology related careers.
  • High School- This category recognizes innovative STEM curriculum and programs in High Schools that promote STEM Education in the classroom and expand STEM skills while helping to point students towards productive Technology related careers.
  • STEM Certified School Outreach- This category recognizes the crucial role that STEM Certified schools play in mentoring other schools that are working towards certification.  Nominees for this award will be evaluated based on their outreach efforts supporting other schools and programs.
  • Post Secondary Outreach- This category was established to recognize the crucial work of attracting and transitioning students interested in STEM Education to post secondary programs that expand STEM skills and lead to productive technology related careers.
  • Extracurricular Program- This category recognizes extracurricular programs who provide innovative STEM opportunities for students in order to expand STEM skills and workforce readiness.
  • STEM Day Activity- This category was created to recognize the best activities conducted by a school or extracurricular program during Georgia’s 2nd Annual STEM Day.
  • Corporate Outreach- This category recognizes the efforts of the business community to get involved and better prepare our students for technology careers of the future.

To complete a nomination in any of the above categories the nominating party must have the following information:

  • Nominating party’s contact information
  • The school, program, camp, activity or company you recommend
  • Explanation of the relationship between the nominating party and the entity being nominated
  • A short paragraph explaining the nomination 
  • The contact information of the school, program, activity, or company

Organizations that are selected from the initial nomination stage will be given a more involved questionnaire that will be their final submission for the award.

For more information please visit http://www.tagonline.org/events/stem-education-awards/ or contact Amanda Hendley at [email protected] or (404) 920-2023, Michael Robertson[email protected] or (404)920-2038, or Lauren Flotte at [email protected] or (912)480-4581.