BB&T Builds New Patio for Senior Citizens, Inc. Headquarters

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015

Senior Citizens, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to helping people age successfully, recently received a new flagstone patio courtesy of BB&T Bank. BB&T Bank and Insurance staff volunteered time and resources over a two-day period to provide a shady, flower-filled outdoor area for SCI clients and members of The Learning Center.

“We are absolutely thrilled to receive such a beautiful gift,” said SCI president Patti Lyons. “SCI members can now relax between appointments in a beautiful setting. The fact that this patio was created by fellow community members only adds to the beauty of it and lets SCI members know that their community supports and appreciates them.”

The contributions and volunteer labor provided is a part of BB&T’s Corporate Lighthouse Project, a program designed to support local, non-profit organizations in order to better the community. The program, in its sixth year, implements projects during May and June of each year.