City Employee Braves Accident to Provide Aid

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

A quick-thinking City Sanitation employee helped avert possible disaster today at the scene of an accident on Interstate-16. 

The single-vehicle accident involved a semi-trailer truck on eastbound Interstate-16 and Chatham Parkway. The accident caused the truck’s fuel tank to rupture and leak. 

Travis Dawn, the City of Savannah’s Refuse Disposal Administrator for the past four years, was driving behind the truck when the accident occurred. Dawn placed his truck adjacent to the accident to help divert traffic. He used improvised supplies, including a metal washer and rags, from his City vehicle to plug the hole in the truck’s fuel tank, significantly reducing the hazard the fuel presented to the surrounding area. 

Dawn then stayed on-scene to help direct traffic until SCMPD and Savannah Fire were able to respond.

“I’m not in the least surprised that Travis took this initiative -- he is an outstanding and resourceful manager.” said City of Savannah Sanitation Bureau Chief Gene Prevatt, who supervises Dawn. “We train our employees to serve our community in a number of ways, even if that service falls outside the scope of their job responsibilities. Travis certainly went above and beyond in this case.”