EnviroVac Launches Nuclear Operations and Construction Division

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

EnviroVac, the area’s premier provider of industrial and chemical cleaning, environmental services, on-site maintenance and outage support programs, recently launched a nuclear operations and construction division. The addition will underscore and expand EnviroVac’s commitment to nuclear safety, quality, schedule performance and personal accountability.

“EnviroVac is strengthening its growing nuclear abilities to serve new construction, operating plants, fuel-cycle facilities and decommissioning/remediation needs,” said Kevin Jackson, CEO of EnviroVac Hydro Holdings. “The industrial technology and robotic solutions we’ve developed clearly set us apart.”

Currently, EnviroVac is supporting Chicago Bridge & Iron Company on-site at Plant Vogtle and the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station with essential technical services required for nuclear development precision. EnviroVac’s nuclear services division is being led by VP Roger Guy with Ken Rosanski as Executive Advisor for Nuclear Operations and Construction.

“Our customers run world-class businesses, and we must provide them with world- class service,” Jackson said. “Having a nuclear operations and construction division enables us to meet our customers’ growing needs.”