​​Georgia Southern University WebMAcc Ranked in Top 10

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

The Georgia Southern University WebMAcc, online Master of Accounting (MAcc) program, has been ranked tenth by OnlineU as a 2015 Top Online Accounting Degree (www.onlineu.org/top-colleges/accounting). This ranking comes on the heels of several other WebMAcc rankings in recent months.

The Onlineu.org 2015 Top Online Accounting Degrees have a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) pass rate of 50 percent or higher and are AACSB accredited. The Georgia Southern School of Accountancy holds its own AACSB accreditation for accounting, separate from the College of Business’s AACSB accreditation. In addition to holding its own accreditation, tuition is under $7,000 per year, which is one-half to one-third the rate of other programs in the rankings.

Designed for working professionals, the Georgia Southern WebMAcc uses a team-based, cohort approach to online learning, placing students on teams of four to five students. These teams work together throughout the 30 semester-hour program/ six semesters and provide motivation, help and strive for a common goal of graduating from an AACSB accredited accounting program. The online courses are identical in content to the traditional courses, with the benefit of a flexible, online delivery system.

“This is another endorsement of the quality of the relatively new WebMAcc program we launched in 2013,” states Timothy A. Pearson, Ph.D. and director of the School of Accountancy. “This newest ranking broadcasts our quality and highlights that our program costs less than half of the tuition charged by our peers. We are providing an extraordinary return on investment for our students.”

For more information on the Georgia Southern WebMAcc program, visit GeorgiaSouthern.edu/BusinessGraduate or email [email protected].