GT-Savannah’s August Learning Series to Examine Talent Development, Succession Planning

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

Georgia Tech-Savannah’s Learning Series welcomes back leadership development expert Ned Ellington and former Southern Company executive Anthony James on August 12 at 8 a.m. Together they will examine how leaders can develop top talent, plan for succession and share tips on how to identify problem solvers and innovators. 

“We’re excited to bring Ned and Anthony back to the Georgia Tech campus to discuss issues of importance to area leaders,” said Diane Lee, director of Georgia Tech-Savannah. “Their presentation last April generated an engaging dialogue about what makes a good leader, and this session will build on that.”

The interactive breakfast discussion, which will include approximately 30 minutes of remarks followed by 45 minutes of interactive discussion, will be a hybrid between a panel discussion and a TED Talk. James and Ellington will also discuss how much of the responsibility of professional development is shifting from companies to individuals, and what companies and leaders can do to help their teams self-motivate. 

James retired from Southern Company as an executive vice president and president of the Shared Services Group. He also served as president and CEO of Savannah Electric and Power Company from 2001 through 2005, and was selected as “Black Engineer of the Year” in 2004 and one of the “100 Most Important Blacks in Technology” 2005 through 2008 by U.S. Black Engineer Magazine and Career Communications Group. 

Ellington, a former research faculty at Georgia Tech, has a long history in executive education, having developed and delivered seminars and workshops on the topics of leadership fundamentals, transformation management, innovation management, lean enterprise thinking, leading change and total quality management. 

The Aug. 12 session, “Developing Talent and Planning for Succession,” will include breakfast and take place at 8 a.m. on the Georgia Tech-Savannah campus at 210 Technology Circle. Cost is $15. CEUs available: .15. To register, please visit or call 912-966-7849.

The Georgia Tech-Savannah Learning Series is an initiative launched last October in an effort to help companies in the coastal region stay up-to-speed on new technology, leadership issues and more. The September 17 session will focus on how leaders can create employee ownership, embrace responsibilities and celebrate success.