Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition Announces Goals for Chatham County

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, August 21st, 2015

Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition, Inc., a group of community members and advocates working together in a comprehensive, coordinated approach for planning and accountability, recently announced the group’s top three goals for each of its four strategic priorities in economy, education, health and quality of life.

“CGIC’s goal is to improve community well-being by engaging and leading the community to work collectively in its development of strategic priorities that guide policy, programs and resource allocation,” said CGIC Director Tara Jennings. “We were pleased so many turned out to help us set our agenda for the next 20 years.”

Nearly 250 community leaders met at CGIC’s August meeting on the Armstrong State University campus to identify goals -- or high-level areas of focus -- for each community priority. These included:

●    Link curriculum with needs of employers
●    Reduce poverty
●    Promote and encourage small business grown & support of local business

●    Incentivize and promote parental involvement and responsibility
●    Facilitate partnerships between businesses and educational institutions
●    Ensure that life skills and conflict resolution are being taught to students

●    Reduce crime to ensure all residents feel safe
●    Promote and provide use of sidewalks, etc.
●    Develop collaboration, a network among similar organizations, to improve efficiency

●    Address mental health and related stigmas
●    Increase access to healthy food
●    Instill health in schools                            
At the group’s next meeting, which will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2015, at 9 a.m. at Savannah Technical College’s Eckburg Auditorium, the group will begin selecting key metrics to monitor success and develop possible strategies to achieve each goal. The community at large is invited to attend and contribute to the dialogue.
The City of Savannah, Chatham County and United Way of the Coastal Empire, Inc. serve as charter organizations of the CGIC in partnership with approximately 20 local organizations that include: local hospitals and primary and post-secondary education. The results of each meeting will be posted online for community transparency and comments.