HealthPostures Top Ergonomics Innovation Showcases Georgia Safety Conference

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, August 27th, 2015

HealthPostures innovation will be on display at the 22nd Annual Georgia Safety Conference. The conference will be held at the Marriott Savannah Riverfront from September 9-11, 2015. Conference attendees will have the chance to check out HealthPostures' ergonomics products like the 6100 TaskMate Executive, the 6300 TaskMate Go and the 5050 Stance Move.

HealthPostures infuses the latest technology in each of its ergonomics products, namely to spike worker mobility. Increased mobility leads to improved health, an advantage that is becoming more challenging to achieve in today's work environment. As the Washington Post reports, there are serious hazards to sitting for eight or more hours a day. Major hazards include heart disease, heightened diabetes risk, mood and brain malfunction, deteriorating muscles and a shorter lifespan.

"As many people are finally beginning to understand, proper ergonomics in the workplace, whether in an office, home office or virtual setting, has tremendous benefits for both the employee and business," Brook Heaps, Cessi Ergonomics executive says. Brook continues, "Discomfort reduction and injury prevention allow for more productivity, a healthier work place and happy workers."

At a time when organizations are looking for ways to attract and retain top talent, preeminent ergonomics products that can improve workers' overall health are growing in popularity. In addition to reducing muscle discomfort, HealthPostures' sit to stand ergonomics designs are built to reduce fatigue caused by inertia.

Entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, safety leaders and government workers who attend the 22nd Annual Georgia Safety Conference gain opportunities to network, learn and participate in workshops. Pre-conference workshops are also scheduled. These conferences include a 10-hour OSHA General Assembly, a culture of safety behavior workshop and a lead and asbestos workshop. Keynote speaker is Captain Mark Kelly, the Endeavour space shuttle final mission's commander.