Sandfly Women Business Owners Coalition Creates 50 Welcome Bags for Local Teachers

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

The Sandfly Women Business Owners Coalition met on Thursday, August 20 at the Great Harvest Bread Company. During the meeting, the group created 50 goodie bags for the teachers at the new Isle of Hope school, comprised of items from Sandfly businesses.

Organized by Dr. Angela Canfield of Sandfly Family Dental, the coalition meets quarterly for the common purpose of promoting business growth and support in the Sandfly community.

“Our teachers are so important to the overall health of our community,” said Dr. Angela Canfield. “All of our coalition members thought it would be a lovely gesture to welcome them back to school and let them know how much we appreciate their work.”

The group intentionally keeps the meetings in the Sandfly area. Previous meetings have been held at Driftaway Café, Cutters Point Coffee and Fioré Italian Bar & Grille. The group plans to next meet on Thursday, January 14 at 7 a.m. for yoga at Savannah Yoga Center. The event is open to any female business owner in the Sandfly, Isle of Hope, Dutch Island, Landings or Southside area. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Cynthia Wright at [email protected] by Tuesday, August 18.