Speros Executive Speaks on Cloud Computing for Small Business

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, August 14th, 2015

Keith Fletcher, Chief Operations Officer at Speros, presented “What Things Every Small Business Owner Should Know About Cloud Computing,” at the Savannah Chamber of Commerce SMART Luncheon. The presentation was held at the Savannah Morning News Auditorium, located at 1375 Chatham Parkway.

Fletcher has been a C level executive with multinational corporations for the past 30 years. He was also Director of Global Telecommunications and Far East IT for Phillips Van-Heusen.

“Cloud computing is a model for enabling universal network access to a united pool of configurable computing resources,” said Fletcher. “The Cloud provides users and enterprises with various capabilities to store and process their data in third-party data centers."

The Speros Cloud was completed in 2011, and is housed within Speros’ Savannah data center. The Speros IT professionals monitor the system 24/7 to ensure that the data center is secure, fully protected, and not susceptible to power outages or glitches. Real time back-ups go to Atlanta, San Diego, and Ontario, Canada.

Fletcher’s presentation can be viewed at https://youtu.be/r5RP54JO8cY. For more information on the Chamber SMART luncheons, contact Stephanie Boaen at 912.644.6458 or [email protected]. For more information or to contact Fletcher, visit http://speros.com/keith-fletcher/