Archeologists Recover Cannon from Sunken Confederate Warship

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

Marine archeologists say they've recovered another cannon from a Confederate warship that's been at the bottom of the Savannah River since the American Civil War.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said the 9,000-pound Dahlgren rifled cannon — the second of its type recovered from the CSS Georgia in recent months — was raised from the water last week.

Military officials say archaeologists are raising other relics from the ironclad as well, such as leather shoes, wrenches, ceramic bottles and an anvil.

The CSS Georgia is being recovered as part of a $703 million deepening of the Savannah harbor.

Confederate soldiers, fearing the Union Army might seize the boat and use it against them, intentionally sank the CSS Georgia as Union troops approached Savannah in December 1864.