City Sets United Way Goal at $240,000

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, September 28th, 2015

The City of Savannah kicked off its 2015 United Way Campaign with a pep rally at City Hall Friday morning. Mayor Edna B. Jackson, City Manager Stephanie Cutter, United Way CEO Greg Schroeder and the 2015 Campaign Chair Toby Moreau joined City staff and United Way Agency representatives for the Campaign Kick-off. Attendees were given a special treat as Mary Katherine Shearouse opened the program with a rousing rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

The City of Savannah as a workforce has historically contributed more to the United Way Campaign than any other municipality in Georgia, according to United Way officials. This year's goal for City of Savannah employees is $240,000.

"We as the City of Savannah are leaders of this community, so we have to take the lead in this campaign," Mayor Edna Jackson said. "We are a united City, so it is going to take all of us to reach this goal."