Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Fundraiser Set

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, September 21st, 2015

Georgia Game Changers Running Company will welcome Bob 106.9 and Wendy's Warriors, a local team that is walking to fight breast cancer on Friday, September 25th from 5 pm to 7 pm, for a Wine & Cheese Fundraiser Event.
Joining the event will be Tory Culpepper, Community Events Manager for the American Cancer Society, and Wendy Wilson, the Sales Manager for Alpha Media Productions.  "We are so excited for our second year of the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer here in Savannah," said Culpepper.  She added, "Last year, we blew our first year goal out of the water and raised over $60,000 for breast cancer research and local patient support. We’re set to do it again this year with support from community as well as our awesome sponsors, like Georgia Game Changers."   
Wendy Wilson, who was recently diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer in May, became emotional in recalling how the event came to be.  “ I would like to Thank Ron and Sandra from Ga. Game Changers for hosting this event to help in the effort to raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness." Wilson added, "Since my diagnosis, it has truly been a whirlwind. However, with the love and support from my family, friends, faith, and community, I have been focused on kicking this disease and helping others who are going through this fight.”  She is excited that the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Savannah Event, which will be held on Saturday, October 10th at 10 am, will occur AFTER her  last round of chemotherapy on September  30th.  Wilson will be ready to walk with her team of family and friends on that special day.
Wilson is choosing to participate in the event, "so that other women faced with breast cancer may stand strong and have hope for advancements in breast cancer research to make their journey easier." She continued, " If my journey makes one woman go get a mammogram that can potentially save their life, it is worth everything to me."
Those interested can join Wilson's team, appropriately called, "Wendy's Warriors"  at The fundraising event at Georgia Game Changers Running Company on the 25th of September will include games, wine, cheese, and light refreshments, along with a chance to meet Tim Leary and his team from the area's hottest country station--BOB 106.9. Game Changers will reveal a new business, the Chill Factor, a unique and currently  mobile cryo (cold) therapy van, that will be offering a first time user special for guests at the fundraiser.   Culpepper knows that  the Fundraiser in Richmond Hill will be important saying,  "I can’t wait to debut our new partnership at this fundraiser and show everyone how Georgia Game Changers and the American Cancer Society will Make Strides to finish the fight against breast cancer!"
Participants are encouraged to WEAR PINK for the cause, and those who want to help in the fight against breast cancer or who want to make a donation in memory or honor of a loved one can visit

For more information, visit the Georgia Game Changers Running Company FB page, or call the store at 912-445-2163.  For 24-hour cancer information visit or call 1-800-227-2345 or contact your local office at 912.355.5196.