Ribbon Cutting for Demere Center for Living is September 25th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Community members are warmly invited to the ribbon cutting of the new Celeste C. & Robert H. Demere, Jr. Center for Living on Friday, September 25, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. The guest speaker is Dr. Leisa Easom, Executive Director of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving. Following her remarks there will be refreshments and tours of the building.

Hospice Savannah’s volunteer boards and staff leadership have a rich legacy of helping our community: 36 years ago they brought hospice care into homes; 23 years ago they built Hospice House for those who needed more intensive symptom management; 17 years ago they began community-wide grief and loss programming through Full Circle; 14 years ago they expanded Hospice House; and 10 years ago began providing palliative care support through The Steward Center for Palliative Care.

In 2011, the Hospice Savannah Foundation launched a three-million dollar capital campaign and through the generosity of the community erected the beautiful 8000 sq. ft. multi-purpose building to house the community-funded programs of Hospice Savannah, Inc. Megan Kerley, VP, Hospice Savannah Foundation, explains, “There are four components to the carefully designed Demere Center for Living: First, the Edel Caregiver Institute to provide caregivers with what will become one of the country’s finest sources for information, training and support. Second: expanded bereavement programming through Full Circle Grief & Loss Center.  Third: extensive education programming for medical professionals, community volunteers, healthcare workers and professional caregivers. And finally:  a relocated Steward Center for Palliative Care to allow it to more effectively grow its services in our community.”  The Foundation staff is also housed in the Center for Living.

The Demere Center for Living is located at 6000 Business Center Drive, just off Chatham Parkway.