Speakers Announced for Mayor’s Small Business Conference for civicplus.com

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, September 18th, 2015

The speakers and agenda have been set for the 9th Annual Mayor’s Small Business Conference. The conference agenda is as follows:

--Registration, Continental Breakfast and Networking--Welcome/Opening Remarks by Mayor Edna B. Jackson

--Savannah Business Spotlight: Stan, Jennifer and Tim Strickland, River Street Sweets~Savannah’s Candy Kitchen--Workshop I: “Branding Your Business”: Jennifer Abshire, Abshire Public Relations

--Workshop II: “Small Business Administration News”: Terri Denison, U.S. Small Business Administration--Workshop III: “Small Business Assistance Corporation News”: Stephen George, Small Business Assistance Corporation
--Business Roundtable Discussion with Small Business OwnersBea Wray, The Creative Coast
Davey James, Outback Stephanie Lindley, Byrd Cookie Company
Ian Nott, AethoTravis Sawyer, Creative Approach

--Networking Lunch--Keynote Address: Robert “Bob” James, President, Carver State Bank and Chairman, Savannah Economic Development Authority

--Mayor’s Recognition and Closing Remarks

The conference will be held Wednesday, September 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Savannah Civic Center. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required by noon on September 25. To pre-register, go to www.savannahga.gov/businessconference or contact the Economic Development Department at (912) 651-3653. The conference is free and includes a continental breakfast, workshops and a networking lunch.