Webb Military Museum Opens in Historic Downtown Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

The Webb Military Museum is now open in downtown Savannah and features military artifacts from Civil War to present. The personal collection, collected and curated by local Savannahian Gary Webb, features rare, one-of-a-kind military items, each with a unique story to tell. This self-guided museum is the only one of its kind in Savannah and will leave visitors feeling a little closer connection to the men and women who wore the uniforms, hats and metals.

Webb’s parental influence instilled a strong love of military history at an early age. Webb was raised in military life with a father who served as an Air Force officer for 33 years. However, it was his mother’s personal stories of growing up in London, England during World War II and her first-hand accounts of living through five years of deadly bombing and rocket attacks from the Germans that really instilled his love of his history and ultimately created the inspiration for the new museum.

“I began collecting military artifacts at the age of 10 while living in Germany in the mid-1960s,” said Webb. “As my collection grew of these servicemen’s personal items, I wanted to find a way to honor their service and share with the Savannah community the love of history I have.”

The new museum is conveniently located at 411 E. York St. on Columbia Square in Savannah and is a must-see, unique experience for the community to learn about military history on a more-personal level.  The Webb Military Museum also features a museum store and website where patrons can purchase collectables not found in the museum displays.

The museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday-Saturday. For more information, please call 912.663.0398.