Georgia Tech-Savannah to Offer Occupational Safety and Health Association Courses in 2016

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

Georgia Tech-Savannah, an OSHA Authorized Training Institute Education Center, is pleased to announce it will kick off 2016 by offering its most popular occupational safety and health training courses, Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction Industry and Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry. These courses were designed to foster safety and health knowledge and protocols across multiple industries for the wellness and good of employees and businesses.  These training courses will be held January 25-29 and cost $875.
“Georgia Tech-Savannah provides occupational safety and health education from top industry professionals in order to keep those in our region and beyond current on the most recent OSHA standards and safety practices,” said Diane Lee, director of Georgia Tech-Savannah. “By offering a wide array of occupational safety and health courses, we give the opportunity to impact participants businesses and colleagues by reducing accidents, lowering workers’ compensation premiums, saving money, and many more benefits.”
These courses are designed for those who are new to or are continuing to build their knowledge of the safety and health industry, serving on a safety committee, a human resource professional, or a supervisor for safety and health protocols. Participants will gain the building blocks of knowledge for all other safety and health related courses, complying with OSHA standards.

To learn more about OSHA 510: Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction Industry, and OSHA 511: Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry, visit