Leopold's Ice Cream, Shipping for a Good Cause

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

Just in time for the Holidays and after 96 years of serving the VeriBest™ ice cream in the world to friends and visitors in Savannah, Leopold's Ice Cream has begun shipping their hand-crafted, super-premium pints nationwide ... directly to their customers' doors!

Stratton & Mary Leopold, longtime advocates of literacy and fostering creative energy in Savannah’s youth, want to make sure that this expansion to Leopold’s business benefits the community that has made them the successful ice cream business that they are today.  From now until December 31st, Leopold’s will donate $1 from every pint shipped to Deep Center, a local nonprofit that provides free, fun, and rigorous writing workshops for public school students in Savannah.  When the decision was made to support a local non-profit through their holiday shipping sales, Stratton and Mary chose Deep Center.  “Their approach is in tune with our mission.” said Mary Leopold, “They too are committed to investing in Savannah’s youth through the creative arts.”  Each year, Leopold’s Ice Cream sponsors a Creative Writing Challenge in the Chatham County school system.  “As exciting as it is to know that my dad’s famous ice cream is being shipped to towns all over the US, it’s even more exciting to know that every pint we ship through December 31st will benefit a wonderful program for children right here in our own hometown.”, said Stratton Leopold.
There’s still plenty of time to ship ice cream for the Holidays.  The final day for Holiday shipping is December 21st though the donation period lasts until December 31st.