Literacy Center Community Breakfast Supports Adult and Family Literacy in the Lowcountry

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

On December 4, 2015, The Literacy Center hosted its annual Community Breakfast at Moss Creek Country Club.  Over 170 individuals attended to hear tutors share the rewards of supporting the center's mission of increasing adult and family literacy.

Volunteer tutors teach students reading, writing, math and speaking skills. Some 11,000 individuals are estimated to have been taught by The Literacy Center, formerly Literacy Volunteers of the Lowcountry in their more than 43 years. Former students who have successfully completed literacy courses at The Literacy Center have received advanced educational degrees and become successful members of our community. Many were on hand at the breakfast to share their success stories.  

Liz Farrell, Columnist and Senior Editor of the Island Packet gave the keynote address and shared her experiences as a current tutor at TLC.  The annual fundraiser brought in over $7,000 for the nonprofit organization that equips adults with the reading, writing, math and speaking skills to be successful at home, in their jobs and in our community.

The center now turns its attention to their largest annual event, Cooks & Books. The event will celebrate its 10th Anniversary in February, and tickets are now on sale online. Local authors will be signing books and interacting with guests while they enjoy complimentary tastings from the area's best restaurants at Hilton Head Marriott Resort & Spa. Prior to the main event, a special Gala will be held at TidePointe, a Vi Community. TidePointe's award winning Chef Stephen Stewart will offer a sumptuous buffet while guests enjoy an open bar and auction benefiting family literacy.