Tourism Leadership Council Calling for Scholarship Applications

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015

The Tourism Leadership Council is seeking qualified applicants for the TLC scholarship, which benefits students studying for careers in tourism, hospitality and related fields.  The scholarships will be given at the 18th Annual Tourism Awards & Scholarship Dinner on February 18, 2016.  Typically, scholarships range from $500 to $3,000, which is paid directly to the recipient and can be used at the recipient’s discretion.  To date, the TLC has given more than $70,000 in scholarships.
“A more educated workforce is beneficial to everyone in the tourism community,” said Michael Owens, President/CEO of the TLC. “It’s a highlight of every year to give back and help students achieve their goals.”
The TLC will be accepting scholarship applications until December 18, 2015.  To apply, gather the following items to upload at

·         An essay explaining how and why you plan to join the tourism community.
·         Your current resume.
·         Two letters of recommendation.
·         Your most recent transcript showing you have a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Applications must be completed and returned to the TLC by the deadline, December 18. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.  Interview notification and scheduling will begin shortly after.  Applicants must be available for face-to-face interviews during the month of January. Students must be enrolled in a technical school, college or university for the 2015-2016 school year.