SEDA Annual Breakfast to Feature Author Mike Abrashoff

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, January 4th, 2016

The Savannah Economic Development Authority will host its annual breakfast meeting at 8 a.m. Friday, Jan. 8, at the Westin Savannah Ballroom. The event is $25 apiecepe or $250 for a table of 10.

The keynote speaker will be Mike Abrashoff, the former commander of the USS Benfold and author of “It’s Your Ship.” When Abrashoof took command of the USS Benfold, morale was low, turnover was high and the ship’s performance ranked near the bottom of the Pacific Fleet. Just 12 months later the USS Benfold was ranked number one — using the same crew.

The lesson was clear — leadership matters and culture is everything, Abrashoff writes.

Also during the meeting, SEDA will present 2015 highlights and install 2015-2016 officers.

Tickets may be purchased by visiting or calling 912-447-8450.