Georgia Power Donates to Savannah Center Court

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, January 27th, 2016

Georgia Power recently made a financial contribution of $2,500 to Center Court, Inc. a non-profit organization that supports Chatham County’s four accountability courts – DUI, Drug, Mental Health and Veteran’s courts. These courts work to reduce repeat arrests and recidivism through a focus on personal responsibility and accountability.

Center Court Board Chairman Spencer Lawton, Jr. said, “We at Center Court are gratified by this generous expression of confidence and support by Georgia Power. This is a company that has a strong record of constructive participation in the life of our community, and we appreciate their interest in helping people with mental health and addiction issues to succeed in our rigorous program of treatment as an alternative to incarceration.”

The contribution goes toward the revolving discretionary fund from which loans are made to cover temporary needs such as transportation assistance and utility bills. The payments are made directly to the providers.