Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter Welcomes New Members and Officers to Board of Directors

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter is pleased to announce their 2016 Board of Directors and Executive Officers.

Todd Cellini is the incoming President for the non-profit organization and serves in this capacity until 2018. Cellini is President of South University, Savannah. Other members of the executive board include Jack Levine as Immediate Past President, Elizabeth Bratz as Vice President, Joyce M Roché as Secretary, and Jennifer Widincamp as Treasurer.

Members of the Board include Troy Follak, Salita Hill, Alfred Mcguire, Christopher K. Nowicki, and Chris P. Sotus. Linda K. Hilts serves as Executive Director of the Savannah organization.

“I am honored to be a part of such a caring and compassionate organization in our community,” said Cellini. “We can and are making a difference for young people here at home, showing them that their community truly cares.”