The John Berrien House is New Home for Queensborough National Bank & Trust’s Business Office

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

The John Berrien House, one of Savannah’s most historically significant 18th century structures in the Historic Landmark District has undergone the first phase of a major restoration and is the new home for Queensborough National Bank & Trust’s Business Office. Located at 322 East Broughton, the ground floor Queensborough office focuses on business and professional banking, commercial real estate lending, and wealth services. For customer convenience, an ATM is located just inside the front door.  

The Federal style Berrien House was built in the 1790s for Revolutionary War officer Major John Berrien, who was appointed collector of the port by George Washington and later became the State Treasurer of Georgia. Queensborough took ownership of the property in early 2008 and later sold the property to Andrew Berrien Jones of New York. Jones, a direct descendent of John Berrien says, “Throughout this complex three-year project, Queensborough has been a key member of the restoration team, providing financing, guidance and moral support.”

As Mike English, Senior Vice President of Queensborough explains, “The John Berrien House story really illustrates many of our principles at Queensborough: Taking the long term view, planning ahead, and making investments that help our local communities grow and prosper.   Businesses in Savannah and the surrounding areas are looking for a bank that has the capabilities and the local market knowledge to meet their financial needs, and the patience to grow with them. 

Daniel Carey, CEO of Historic Savannah Foundation comments on the historic building, “Historic Savannah Foundation is pleased that Queensborough National Bank & Trust is continuing its commitment to the restoration and adaptive use of the John Berrien House by locating its new downtown branch in the historic building it helped save.  HSF has enjoyed a strong working partnership with Queensborough for several years.  We tag-teamed the care and maintenance of the building and joined in identifying the perfect  owner—a Berrien descendant—to carry out the restoration.  We are pleased to welcome Queensborough to the Historic Landmark District.”