Richmond Hill CVB Director Attends “Tourism, Arts and Hospitality Day” at Capitol

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

Christy Sherman, executive director of the Richmond Hill Convention and Visitors’ Bureau, recently attended “Tourism, Arts, and Hospitality Day” at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta. Tourism professionals from across the state visited the Capitol to present Governor Deal with a check illustrating the $3 billion dollar tax revenue generated from state and local taxes through tourism in 2014.

“Many people only think of large manufacturing plants as economic development, but tourism is also an important driver of economic, social, and cultural development in our community,” said Sherman. “It brings in outside dollars to be spent locally in businesses that may not survive by relying on local customers alone.”

Throughout 2014, Bryan County’s tourism industry supported 269 jobs, generated $41.8 million in direct travel spending and $1.3 million in local state taxes, and created $1.5 million in state tax revenues. Furthermore, each Bryan County household received $211 in tax relief per household as a result of the taxes generated by direct travel spending.