The Education Trust Recognizes Armstrong for Achieving Substantial Gains for African-American Students

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

Armstrong State University has been recognized by The Education Trust as a top-performing institution for improving overall graduation rates while also achieving substantial educational gains for African-American students. The Education Trust is a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. that shapes and influences national and state policy with a focus on reducing achievement gaps.

Last week, the organization released a report, Rising Tide II: Do Black Students Benefit as Grad Rates Increase?, based on an analysis that examines 232 institutions with at least 30 first-time, full-time black students and 30 first-time, full-time white students that improved overall graduation rates from 2003-2013.

“We applaud the leadership at Armstrong State University for working to improve graduation rates for black students — and close gaps between white and black students — over the last decade,” notes Dr. José Luis Santos, vice president for The Education Trust’s Higher Education Policy and Practice. “Armstrong pointedly addresses completion among black students as an example for others to follow.”

Armstrong is identified as one of of 52 institutions nationwide making positive strides. In comparison, 70 percent of institutions in the sample increased graduation rates for black students, but more than half (53 percent) failed to close the completion gap between black and white students. Almost a third of the schools studied (73 schools) saw their graduation rates for black students either decrease or stay the same.

“Armstrong works diligently to identify and instill practices that support overall graduation rates with a special focus on the retention of underrepresented students,” says Armstrong Provost Dr. Robert Smith. “We’re honored that The Education Trust has again recognized Armstrong for our ongoing efforts.”

In December 2015, The Education Trust named Armstrong State University a top performing school for underrepresented minority students.