Georgia Tech to Offer Workshop on Mobile Strategies for Business

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Georgia Tech-Savannah will offer an interactive workshop, “Learn How to Develop a Mobile Strategy to Grow Your Business,” on Thursday, May 5, 2016, from 8-11 a.m. The three-hour workshop will help professionals from small to mid-size businesses build a mobile strategy to suit their business needs.
“Usage of mobile apps grew by 76 percent in 2014 and are on path to reach $70 billion in annual revenue by 2017,” said Russ Clark, a senior research scientist in Georgia Tech’s School of Computer Science and workshop leader. “If you’re not reaching, engaging and monetizing customers on their devices, you’re likely losing them to another business. Most business owners don’t realize how much untapped potential lies in this marketing medium, especially small, local businesses.”
Workshop participants will learn how to engage existing customers and reach new customers; raise the visibility of their business, products and services; set themselves apart from competitors; and boost sales. They will also learn how to make mobile work specifically for their businesses and get personalized feedback and advice on their mobile strategy.
The workshop, which costs $50 per participant, will be held on the Georgia Tech-Savannah campus at 210 Technology Circle in Savannah. It will be led by Clark, who engages hundreds of students each semester in mobile development and emphasizes innovation, entrepreneurship and industry involvement. He earned a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and computer science from Vanderbilt University, and master’s and doctorate degrees in information and computer science from the Georgia Institute of Technology.